7 Easy Python Projects for Beginners [with code]

7 Easy Python Projects for Beginners [with code]


9 min read

Python is fast becoming one of the most powerful languages in programming today. It has found tons and tons of applications in many fields such as web development, data science, data analysis, machine learning, game development and the list goes on.

Beyond understanding the importance of Python as a language, new developers have the tricky task of discovering useful projects to work.

This is important because to become a proficient software developer, you must practice as much as you learn.

Working on projects as a beginner will help you;

  • Develop your confidence as a software developer
  • Understand the fundamentals of programming
  • Develop problem solving skills
  • Learn new concepts by exploring new technologies

How to Pick Python Projects as a Beginner

But what kind of python projects do you need to work on as a beginner? When picking a project, you must select a project that is not too difficult as to overwhelm you and not too easy such that you don’t learn anything new.

An efficient beginner python project must;

  • Allow you practice the basics of a programming language
  • Help you learn at least 1 new concept in the process
  • Help you think logically and develop problem solving skills

In this post, we’ll be exploring 7 simple and easy python projects you can begin building today to help you practice what you’ve learned as a beginner and build your portfolio in process.

PS: To make things simple and straightforward, these projects have been built as command-line applications . This means that each of these projects work in the console window (command prompt) of your computer (Windows, Mac and Linux).

To make these projects more interactive, we would have to build each project using the TKinter library, a Graphic User Interface (GUI) library, but that is beyond the scope of this post.

Command-line applications may not be as interactive or as beautiful web or GUI applications, but that doesn’t make them less powerful than web or GUI applications.

For each project in this post, I’ll be describing how each project works, what you will learn from each and a link to the code for each of them (for those that are available).

PS: If you are looking to transition into tech in 2021, here's a quick guide to help you get started!

Let’s begin!

The projects we'll be building are;

  1. Mad Libs Generator
  2. Number Guessing Game
  3. Leap It!
  4. Find out Fibonacci
  5. Email Slicer
  6. Dice Rolling Simulator
  7. Desktop Notifier

1. Mad Libs Generator

How it Works: In this project the user will be prompted to type in specific words like a noun, verb, adverb, adjective and so on according to the requirements. Once all the inputs are entered, a story template will be generated using these words. This is a really good python project for beginners who are just starting out in software development view code

What you will learn: Variables, Concatenation, input()

2. Number guessing game

How it Works: This is a really good place to start when working on beginner Python projects. For this project, you will build a program in which the computer generates a number within a range, say 1 to 10. After this, the user will be given a hint to guess the computer generated number, and then a score is generated. view code

What you will learn: Looping, Conditionals, input(), range()

3. Leap It

How it Works: In this project, a user will be required to input a year, after which a function checks if the year is a leap year or not. For this project, you will have to create a function that recognizes the patterns of leap years.

What you will learn: Functions, Conditionals, Looping, input()

4. Find out Fibonacci

How it Works: A Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which the next number in the sequence is gotten by summing the 2 previous numbers i.e 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8….. For this Python project, the user will input a number and a function which checks whether the inputted number belongs to a Fibonacci sequence or not. Here, you will have to create a function that recognizes a Fibonacci sequence and try fitting the inputted number into the sequence.

What you will learn: Functions, Conditionals, Looping, input()

5. Email Slicer

How it Works: An email address is made up of 2 parts; the username and the domain name. The email slicer will act by splitting an email address into these 2 parts. Assume we have and email address: , your email slicer app should divide the email address into ‘tomsmith’ (username) and ‘gmail.com’ (domain name).

What you will learn: Variables, Lists, input(), strip(), index()

6. Dice Rolling Simulator

How it Works: A dice is a simple cube with 6 faces with the faces numbered from 1 – 6. In this Python project, you are going to simulate a rolling dice (A simulation is a computer model of a real-life object/event; therefore, our dice simulator project is a computer model of a rolling dice). view code

What you will learn: Looping, Conditionals, range(), random.choice()

7. Desktop Notifier App

How it Works: Have you ever been reminded of how low your battery is when using your desktop or been notified of ‘a new device being connected to your computer’? These and many others are desktop notification, an important desktop feature. Desktop notifications are super important because they help us know what is going on with our computers at any given time.

For this project, you’re going to build a notification app for your computer to alert you of something specific after a fixed interval of time. view code

What you will learn: Functions, Plyer library

In Conclusion

No matter how many blogs you read or how many videos you watch, you alone are the master of your fate, you pay the piper and determine the tune of your life.

If you are unsatisfied with where you are right now, nothing will change until you make the first move.

So make the first move!

Get the 5-step checklist to switch your career to tech right now!

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Ivory Okeke
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